Mosne's Swipebox.
A touchable jQuery lightbox
a fork from brutaldesign.
What is Swipebox ?
Swipebox is a jQuery "lightbox" plugin for desktop, mobile and tablet.
Main Features
- Swipe gestures for mobile
- Keyboard Navigation for desktop
- CSS transitions with jQuery fallback
- Retina support for UI icons
- Easy CSS customization
Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE8+, IOS4+, Android, windows phone.
Try it
Basic Usage
Include jquery and the swipebox script in your head
tags or right before your body
closing tag.
<script src="lib/jquery-2.0.3.js"></script> <script src="source/jquery.swipebox.js"></script>
Include the swipebox CSS style in your head
<link rel="stylesheet" href="source/swipebox.css">
Use a specific class for your links and use the title attribute as caption.
<a href="big/image.jpg" class="swipebox" title="My Caption"> <img src="small/image.jpg" alt="image"> </a>
Fire the plugin
Bind the swipebox behaviour on every link with the "swipebox" class.
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { $(".swipebox").swipebox(); }); </script>
Use "rel" Attribute
You can add a rel
attribute to your links to seperate galleries.
<!-- Gallery 1 --> <a rel="gallery-1" href="big/image1.jpg" class="swipebox"> <img src="small/image1.jpg" alt="image"> </a> <a rel="gallery-1" href="big/image2.jpg" class="swipebox"> <img src="small/image2.jpg" alt="image"> </a> <!-- Gallery 2 --> <a rel="gallery-2" href="big/image3.jpg" class="swipebox"> <img src="small/image3.jpg" alt="image"> </a> <a rel="gallery-2" href="big/image4.jpg" class="swipebox"> <img src="small/image4.jpg" alt="image"> </a>
Video support
Simply paste a youtube video URL in your href attribute. The script will automatically check if it's a Youtube URL and open the video in the swipebox.
<a class="swipebox-video" rel="youtube" href="">My Videos</a>
Load slides dynamically
You can set your gallery dynamically by passing an array object to the swipebox.
$("#gallery").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $.swipebox([ {href:'big/image1.jpg', title:'My Caption'}, {href:'big/image2.jpg', title:'My Second Caption'} ]); });
Refresh Method
The refresh method allows you to reload the slides if the DOM has changed.
var swipeboxInstance = $(".a:visible").swipebox(); // Use the refresh method after your event is completed swipeboxInstance.refresh();
For exemple, if you use isotope filter.
// Use the swipebox only for visible elements var swipeboxInstance = $(".swipebox-isotope:not(.isotope-hidden .swipebox-isotope)").swipebox(); // Callback function that fire the refresh method, once the animation is finished onAnimationCompleted = function(){ swipeboxInstance.refresh(); }; // Isotope stuff optionFilterLinks = $('#filter').find('a'); optionFilterLinks.attr('href', '#'); function(){ var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $('#grid').isotope({ filter : '.' + selector, itemSelector : '.item', layoutMode : 'fitRows', animationEngine : 'best-available', }, onAnimationCompleted); // callback here optionFilterLinks.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); return false; });
Check open state
if ($.swipebox.isOpen){ // do stuff }
<script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function($) { $(".swipebox").swipebox({ useCSS : true, // false will force the use of jQuery for animations hideBarsDelay : 3000, // 0 to always show caption and action bar videoMaxWidth : 1140, // videos max width beforeOpen: function(){}, // called before opening afterClose: function(){} // called after closing }); }); </script>
plugin javascript
plugin css
plugin images
Forked from brutaldesign
Photos by Daniele Zedda